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Seven Corners Reside Worldwide Medical Coverage Plan

The Medical Insurance that Follows You Here, There, and Everywhere

Comprehensive Worldwide Coverage

Jet travel, satellite communications, and the Internet have shrunk the world into a global village. More and more citizens from one country are choosing to settle permanently in other countries. Others refuse to settle anywhere, but keep on moving from one nation to another. There are also those who do not travel but are very much aware of the opportunities in other countries that they could benefit from.

As a global citizen, you are very much aware of the advances and developments in medicine that could conceivably keep you healthier and more active longer than your ancestors ever had. In order to avail of these, however, you have to be ready with financial resources. The Seven Corners Reside International Medical Insurance was created precisely that to provide you with the means necessary to meet your medical bills and expenses.

For annual premiums ranging from $550 for a 14-day-old infant to $2,973 for a 74-year-old, you can get coverage of $500,000 to $5,000,000 depending upon your location and the treatment area. You can take advantage of this wherever you are in the world.

In addition to the coverage, there is also a list of other services designed to assist you with both your medical and non-medical needs as you travel.

How do I Apply?

Click the Apply Online link at the top of the page to fill out an online application. If you prefer not to apply online, choose Brochure and Application to download the brochure and fill out the application in that document. Or, call us toll free at 1-800-462-2322 to request an application from an agent.

Enrolling in Seven Corner's Reside
Complete and return the application with your payment for the total premium
made payable to Seven Corners to:
All Aboard Benefits
6162 E. Mockingbird Lane #104
Dallas, Texas 75214 USA
FAX: 214-821-6676
(You may fax if paying by credit card only. Originals are not required if
application is faxed to All Aboard Benefits with credit card payment.)