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High Limit Accident Insurance Plan

High Limit Accident Insurance
This plan allows individuals to purchase an accidental death and dismemberment policy which will cover a death from an accident in high risk situations.

Common Uses include War Zone coverage, Key Person, Buy/Sell Agreement, International Coverage, Flight risks and Life Insurance postponement

With benefit amounts reaching up to a staggering US $50,000,000, this insurance certainly deserves its name - High Limit Accident Insurance. Its area of coverage is even better as it is has no limits. You are covered anywhere you are on the planet. Even in countries torn by war and ravaged by terrorism.

The High Limit Accident Insurance offers three coverage variations. First is Accidental Death which pays the Principal Sum to your beneficiary in case of death due to accident-caused injuries, exposure to weather, or disappearance due to the sinking of a water-borne vehicle.

Second is Accidental Death and Dismemberment. This, in addition to the accidental death benefits, also covers loss or loss of use of limbs, sight, hearing, and speech. The loss of a single or both hands, legs, or eyes is paid half or the full amount of the Principal Sum, respectively. Half the Principal Sum is also paid for the loss of hearing or speech.

The last is Accidental Death and Dismemberment and Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Death within 72 hours following a sudden cardiac arrest is also covered and is paid the full Principal Sum.

You can even choose when you want to be covered. This could be for 24 hours, regardless of where you are; or only when you are riding common carriers by air, land, or sea; or only where you are riding a commercial airline. As an option, your coverage can include death or dismemberment sustained in war or acts of war and terrorism.

Period of coverage varies from one day to one year.

The High Limit Accident Insurance is most suited for those in high-risk occupations such as fishing in the high seas, logging, air and sea transport, and those who travel or work in war zones.

All Aboard Benefits
6333 E. Mockingbird Lane
Suite 147-901
Dallas, Texas 75214 USA
Toll Free: 1-800-984-3096